Montreal born author Sharon E. McKay is well-known for her novels for young adults including Charlie Wilcox, Charlie Wilcox’s Great War, Esther and four novels in Penguin’s “Our Canadian Girl” historical fiction series.
Her most recent work is Yara's Spring with Jamal SaeedJamal Saeed spent a dozen years as a prisoner of conscience in a Syrian prison before being invited to Canada in 2016. Now living in Kingston, Ontario, with his family, Saeed works as an activist, editor, visual artist, and author. His work raises awareness about Syria’s ongoing civil war and humanitarian crisis., formally from Syria and now a resident of Kingston, Ontario.
Thunder Over Kandahar is the heart-stopping story of two girls making their way across the most dangerous territory on earth.
Whispers from the Ghetto, Whispers from the Camps and Whispers from Hiding, are all short stories dealing with the Holocaust and written with Kathy Kacer, a multi-award winning writer and a child of survivors.
In January 2008 Sharon was accepted into the Canadian Forces (War) Artists Program or CFAP. She is the first children’s writer to hold the title. In March 2009 she went to Afghanistan to, in the words of the program description, “capture the daily operations, personnel, and spirit of the Canadian Forces.”
Chris Casuccio

See Pictures from Sharon's Trip to the Syrian Border

See Pictures from Sharon's Trip to Afghanistan